Tamika is a teacher, actor, writer, speaker and entrepreneur. In 2020, Elgin State Bank awarded her the Inaugural Super Hero Award for her Acts of Kindness and Community Service. She also received the very first Today's Inspired Latina Woman of the Year Award in 2018. Tamika’s interest in autism is personal. Her youngest son was diagnosed with autism in June 2015. Her own experience as a parent of a child with ASD led to the genesis of The Autism Hero Project (AHP). Her hope is that AHP will serve as the financial bridge for families who can't access medical insurance for therapies that their child needs in order to help them thrive. She believes strongly that no child should ever have to go without therapies because of their family's financial status. She also strives to do more than just raise awareness and educate communities about autism. She is determined to activate individuals to be agents of inclusion. Her personal autism journey was published in May 2017 in the anthology, Today's Inspired Latina, Volume III - Life Stories of Success in the Face of Adversity. In November 2020 her story "Heroes Wanted" was published in Hispanic Stars Rising: The New Face of Power. December of 2021, Tamika's coffee book Inclusion was released as part of the WordPOWER Series. This past April, Tamika released her famous anthology For the Love of Autism with some of the world's most famous autism influencers and it went on to be a quick Amazon Best Seller. Learn more at www.fortheloveofautism.com
Jaime is a wife, sales manager and mother to two beautiful and sweet boys. In May of 2018, she received her oldest son's diagnosis and immediately became passionate about helping others and bringing advocacy and awareness to Autism. Inspired by her work and financial support, The Autism Hero Project honored Jaime with the first ever "Philanthropist of the Year Award" in 2019. When Jaime's not playing with her boys, working or managing their household, she enjoys traveling, date nights with her husband, Chris and dinner with her girlfriends. One of Jaime’s favorite sayings is “Meet your child where they are at not where the world expects them to be.”
Angelica Silva serves as Vice President of Retail Banking and Branch Manager for Elgin State Bank, a Wintrust Community Bank. With over 16 years of retail banking experience, she prides herself in building customer relationships and helping them achieve their financial goals. Angelica believes in giving back and volunteering in the different organizations in our community. The Autism Hero Project is one she is proud to be a part of because of its mission to not only bring autism awareness but to create a world of acceptance and inclusion for ALL. To provide guidance and a strong support network to parents and families of a child with ASD. Angelica enjoys traveling and spending time with her family which consists of her husband, her parents, four siblings and her niece and nephew.